I have been investigating a few sites lately in which I frequently have to explain TIH, and a number of Doms have told me in their infinate wisdom with great authority and absolute conviction that a 24/7 D/s relationship simply can't be done. That you can not live D/s 24/7 because you have to interact with the rest of the world and you have to be yourself outside of the relationship. (I mean how can you be a sub at the offce). I of course disagree. I get the feeling these Doms are the ones who prefer a mechanical sub. One who is silent and dutiful and quite content to be a cast of what her Dom desires. Since one really can't be a robot 24/7 they are correct. But a sub who is allowed to be herself even in her greatest acts of submission, can be a sub all day long until the end of her days.
I personally do not undestand the desire for a sub who is "master made". I see a real need on the Doms part for personality and freedom of expression on the subs part (to an extent of course). If I am free to be myself then I will serve prompted by myself, I will regulate my behavior myself, I will hold myself accountable for my failiures. Now that's not to say my Dom will not also prompt, regulate, and hold me accountable for my service but if he is the only thing moving me, working me, thinking my submission for me, then I will never contribute anything to the relationship more than robot-like obediance.
I've heard of Doms missing the women their subs once were. The women that attracted them but dissapeared under her submissive burnoose. I realize I'm a sub speculating about Dom perspective but it just seems odd. The book of my submission should be written by me dedicated to my Dom, edited by my Dom and owned by my Dom. But it seems like these Doms are also trying to author it as well. In that case what did the I contribute? The title. Cat's Submission written, edited, illustrated, published, distributed, and copywrited by DomXYZ.