I am a modern woman. One who wants to be considered attractive, sexy, fashionable etc., but I'm finding that increasingly hard to do with today’s fashions. For some reason in the fashion industry there is no such thing as sexy yet modest. Either all your jiggly parts are on display and you're "hot" or you’re covered from head to toe and you're a schoolmarm.
I've been trying to rebuild my wardrobe, or at least take it in a new direction. The problem with that is all the clothes nowadays are mini or bejeweled, or see through, or designed with some inappropriate phrase on the chest and butt like juicy or boy toy or angel or goddess. I found myself in store after store with a fist-full of cash just dying to give my money away to any store that would carry a regular skirt. But I couldn't. I thought maybe I'm getting old because I do not understand the fashion of today. Why in Florida in July young ladies are wearing sherpa boots, or why in Michigan in December young ladies are wearing low rise jeans and short tops so their stomachs mushroom and get frost bite, or why one's pants need to be so encrusted with fake gems you can't sit without busting a rhinestone I will never know. So I moved to the misses sections. There I found a sea of ill fitting poorly designed bland clothes. "Mom jeans" as far as the eye could see. Shirts obviously designed to hide ones shape, tunics and dusters, and drawstring cargo pants. Obviously fashion is sacrificed for comfort in that stage of life (or so clothing designers would have you believe).
Well misses was obviously not for me, so I moved on to stores that call themselves "modest clothing retailers". Which apparently means “old timey” crap. I'm not on the prairie homesteading; I don't milk cows or plow fields. Durable denim jumpers, and cotton peti-skirts are not really what I had in mind. I just want a skirt that comes to my knee and a shirt my breasts don't pour out of. I don't think that's too much to ask. I don’t want a burqa, or a habit, or a hoop skirt. I just don’t want my wears on display. I can be sexy without showing my nipples. I can be seductive without exposing my thong. I can be fashionable in a ¾ sleeve; I can be stylish wearing a full skirt. Why is there no happy medium? What happened to the days of sexy sophistication, elegant modesty, reserved sensuality, and conservative haut couture? You can either dress like a whore or a prude. Where is the clothing for ladies?